Unless you’ve been living in a cave for the last 10 to 15 years, chances are you’ve already heard the term ‘cloud computing’ bandied around at some point. Cloud computing is now one of the fastest-growing sectors in the entire IT and tech industry and cloud services are slowly transforming how – and where – businesses operate. However, it doesn’t stop there. Cloud services are also transforming the scope and agility of firms, empowering even smaller firms to compete against bigger companies globally.
How the cloud works
While most of us are relatively au fait with the concept of ‘the cloud’, fewer of us perhaps understand what cloud computing involves. In essence, cloud computing can be considered the delivery of computer services from remote machines. These services can encompass anything from storage to processing or running applications and are typically delivered over the internet.
Without realizing it, chances are you already use some form of cloud product, even just for personal use. Platforms like Spotify and Google Photos rely on remote, server-based tech to deliver their services, reducing the processing power and storage drain on your local handheld or similar device. By the way, if you use Spotify, then you may want to consider adding Jaynike to the list of services you hire because they can boost traffic to your playlists.
Ways the cloud improves business
There is a huge number of reasons why your business should move its digital services to the cloud, including (but in no way limited to):
Improved agility: The costs and operational headaches of running traditional, in-house IT networks used to put considerable pressure on firms both from a financial and resources point of view. By outsourcing your network to a third-party provider, you’ll remove these responsibilities, instead placing them squarely with your cloud services company.
24/7/365 security and support: Cybercrime is a real and present danger facing firms of all sizes, in all sectors. Indeed, the costs of online criminality are forecast to top $10.5 trillion by 2025, while it is suggested that data is now the world’s most valuable commodity. Pure and simple – if you operate in any capacity online, you run the risk of a malicious attack and potentially losing your firm’s precious data. However, by outsourcing to a cloud provider, you’ll have the peace of mind of 24/7 support, on tap when and where you need it. Also, while it won’t do any harm to have someone in-house with cloud networking or Azure learning experience, should some local tinkering be required, in the main, you’ll offload all your security worries to your provider.
A truly mobile workforce: As your corporate data is held on remote machines, it will be accessible from any location where your staff can find an internet connection – which, considering the vast majority of us now have smartphones, means pretty much anywhere.
Empower your employees: This mobile access to data and systems means even the lowest powered handheld can draw on the immense processing power of remote machines, capable of crunching numbers and performing tasks far beyond the native capacity of the devices your staff might have to hand. Moreover, it also means your employees will benefit from having all the files or documents they could possibly need to work, on tap and on-demand.
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