Invisalign is a popular form of orthodontic treatment that uses removable aligners to straighten the teeth. However, what you may not know about Invisalign is that it can only be used for minor or moderate orthodontic problems. Read on to learn more…
Here are the Orthodontic Issues that can be fixed by Invisalign:
1. Overbite
An overbite occurs when the upper front teeth are too far forward compared to the lower ones. This may cause an adult to look like they’re snaggle-toothed or give children a buck-toothed appearance even after loosing baby teeth. If you’re looking for how to fix an overbite, Invisalign is the clear solution to this.
2. Crossbite/Spaces between Teeth
This is when some of your teeth don’t line up with others, usually because your jaw is too small for the size of your mouth. It can also be caused by tongues thrusting out in between your teeth (particularly if you were born tongue-tied).
If it’s only slight, you’ll mostly see spaces where there aren’t any gaps at all, but if it’s bad enough, you can also get things like your upper front teeth coming out of your mouth. Dentists recommend Invisalign to patients with a crossbite because conventional braces may exacerbate the problem and cause discomfort or damage if not done carefully.
3. Crowding
When there’s no room for all your teeth in your mouth, they end up jamming together & making it almost impossible to clean them properly or brush them effectively as you can’t fit a toothbrush between them. Invisalign is incredibly helpful as it straightens your teeth without having to remove any teeth! This way, no one will notice you’re undergoing orthodontic treatment until you’ve achieved perfect alignment and a much better smile!
Here are the Orthodontic Issues that can not be fixed by Invisalign:
1. Overcrowding
Invisalign is not for treating overcrowding as it can only straighten your teeth from front to back, but not side-to-side, therefore making the number of teeth you have in a certain area remain the same. In order to fix this problem, conventional braces or extractions are needed.
2. Large overjet (Protruding Teeth)
Overjets happen when your top teeth protrude out of your mouth and cause a lisp which makes it difficult for people to understand what you’re saying and causes tension headaches because of all that extra pressure on your jaw & sinuses! Not only that but having an overjet also means that any upper lip piercings or tattoos will be more difficult to achieve.
The best way to fix overjets is through surgery, where your upper jaw can be reduced in size & your bottom teeth can also be moved outwards.
3. Underbite
This problem is caused by the lower front teeth protruding too much, also known as your jaw being too small for your mouth. This can be fixed either through surgery or braces/Invisalign if you’re lucky enough to have health insurance that covers orthodontic treatment! If not, then you’ll need to save up for quite some time before any of these treatments are done!
Invisalign offers a variety of options to help people with orthodontic issues. If you’re looking for clear braces, want the invisibility factor, or need more affordable treatment options, it may be time to explore what Invisalign can do for you. Give us a call today and we’ll set up an appointment so that one of our orthodontists can take a look at your teeth and make suggestions about how best to proceed. The Modern Coffer of Information