Since the crypto market is volatile and the prices of assets are volatile, it’s difficult to answer the question, “What crypto to buy today?”. Crypto rates may change rapidly and many times a day or stay at about the same level for weeks. Such price fluctuations open great earning opportunities that may reach an enormous size in a short time. Besides, cryptocurrency trading and investment are available for anyone with an Internet connection. You can enter the market with a small amount and multiply your investments. Buying assets takes only a few minutes, you don’t have to work with intermediaries, and you can invest even using your bank card. These are only a few benefits of cryptocurrency trading.
However, choosing an asset to invest in us is challenging, especially for beginner traders. In this article, we will talk about where and what cryptocurrency to buy.
What cryptocurrency to buy now?
Now that the crypto market shows its downtrend, it is the best time to purchase digital assets at low rates. We have selected the most promising projects to invest in for the long term:
- Bitcoin
- Ethereum
- Solana
- Cardano
- Polkadot
- Litecoin
- Ton
- Ripple.
This list of the project was composed taking into account their prospects. Each of them has deep essence and complex technology in the core, a robust development plan, many use cases, partners, and a large community of users. Now that the asset rates dropped, it is a good chance for you to buy them with little money. All these projects are listed in all popular crypto exchanges such as Binance, WhiteBIT, Coinbase, etc. These centralized platforms allow buying digital assets with fiat currencies, so you can use your bank card and start your journey in cryptocurrency trading. Besides, the exchanges we have listed give helpful educational information on the crypto market and guides on investing correctly.