The makers of the Malayalam movie ‘Ishq’ have released the first song from the film ‘Parayuvaan’ Englebert Humperdinck ringtone. This song marks the debut of Sid Sriram in the Malayalam film industry. This song has been sung by Neha S Nair and Sid Sriram. Jakes Bejoy has composed the music and Joe Paul has penned the lyrics. Get the latest Englebert Humperdingk ringtones on our website!
Originally, the song had a romantic connotation and evoked an image of a chaste bride. But now, it’s more than just a love metaphor! Parayuvaan, a word that means ‘to tell’, is also a metaphor for engagement. A temple sword (Bhadravattakam), an anklet (Pallivaal), and a god called Nallachan are symbols of love and commitment in the Hindu religion.
In the film, Vasudha and Sachi are at college when they are attacked by Alwin. Mukundan apologizes for the incident, and Sachi gives Mukundan money to get home. Vasudha asks Sachi if he would’ve abandoned her in that situation. In response, he refuses to reply. He tries to change the topic, proposing to Vasudha. The actress turns him down.
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Parayuvaan Information:
Movie: Ishq
Singer: Sid Sriram and Neha S Nair
Music: Jakes Bejoy
Year: 2019
Song Download Link
Parayuvaan Song-Download
Parayuvaan Song-Download