A Time For Romance
Many people have issues with this holiday because they’re alone. If you’re lucky enough to have someone who you love, and who loves you, don’t take that for granted. Ignore the cynicism and focus on the person you love. One clear way to have a bad Valentine’s Day is to lean into an attitude, rather than the festive potential. So don’t do that!
Here we’ll briefly explore four ways you can not only have a good Valentine’s Day, but perhaps the best one you and your romantic partner have ever experienced.
1. Time is Key: Find a Way to Spend Serious Time Together
First and foremost, you need to spend time together. If you have no money, and nowhere special to go, at least use this day to remember why you love her and she loves you. Take a walk somewhere. Have a snowball fight if you’re in northern latitudes. Find a beach if you’re not. Just spend the day together, and be romantic.
2. Focus: Put Away Devices, Smartphones, and Distractions
You know what really takes you out of the moment? The phone you’re probably reading this article on now. Look, finish the article, but when February 14 rolls around, be sure you and your lover don’t have phones interrupting every minute.
Any “smart” devices that could prove an irritant need to be left at home as you’re celebrating. Keep them out of sight and out of mind.
3. Remember: Cost Isn’t The Only Indicator of Appreciation
Something else to think about is that a gift doesn’t have to be expensive to be especially memorable. Follow the link for some ideas on affordable gifts. Also, think about this: many of the things you love don’t cost much.
A fine meal, a beautiful sunset, curling up with your cat on the couch—these things are almost free. Remember that. Even the Beatles know that money “can’t buy me love”.
4. Extend Celebration Throughout The Whole Day
There are only 24 hours in a day, and by the time you wake up, you’ve slept through eight of them. So don’t just spend a few hours at the nice restaurant in town, make the whole day about your relationship.
5. Do Something Neither of You Have Done Before
Maybe neither of you have ever been waterskiing? Have you ever gone into one of those wind tunnel things that recreate the sensation of free fall? If she’s tough enough, maybe you could have a date at a paintball course. Or maybe both of you got to a unique zoo, or take a trip down the coast. Do something unique that’s new to both of you!
Making This Valentine’s Day Your Best Yet
Doing something new, extending celebration throughout the day, getting gifts because they’re going to be appreciated, rather than because they’re expensive, freeing yourself of distractions, and spending serious time together whatever the case represent fine ways to get the most out of Valentine’s Day this year. Hopefully, at least some of these ideas inspire you!