Having a work uniform for your employees is a great way to boost performance without spending a lot of money! Employees who wear comfortable and attractive uniforms work harder feeling part of the team, and not feeling conscious about their appearance. Employees in a uniform that is not comfortable to wear slow them down because of that discomfort and because they are more conscious of their appearance. As a result, more demand for shirt printing and shirt embroidery is coming from businesses.
Improved confidence in appearance means free marketing
When employees are happy with what they wear for work they are more likely to wear it outside of work too. On the way home, they will do their food shop in their uniform. They will go out for lunch together in their customized top. Their confidence in the uniform and how it looks mean they are going to wear it in places that will get you some advertising. People will see your branding and think about visiting or making use of your services. Not everyone will rush and become a new loyal customer, but some do, and later when recalling your company’s name when they do need a product you offer, they are more likely to buy from you.
Be comfortable in a polo shirt
A polo shirt is a great option as it is a little smarter than a standard t-shirt but still casual and looks great and is comfortable. It is a good place to start with silkscreen printing on for something larger if you want more than just a logo on a shoulder. A lot of women and men wear polo shirts with day-to-day wear, and even if they do not, they are happy to have it as part of their work clothing. You can easily keep a quality polo shirt casual with jeans or shorts, or dress it up with a smarter pair of pants or skirt. You can look presentable, approachable and cool.
Customization might include printing, or it might use shirt embroidery. Put the business name and a logo on the chest or shoulder somewhere. It is a very professional look while also being cost-effective in supplying a uniform staff want to wear, and creating clothing that also acts as a form of marketing. You can create a great reputation for your business and get your brand better known.
Buying online
There are a lot of places that offer silkscreen printing and embroidery services online. The great thing about the reputable ones is that they often offer discounts when you order in bulk, you can order in a range of sizes and some even have designers to help with creating something unique to your business.
Using customization options such as screen printing and embroidery you can give your employees a casual uniform that still looks smart but is comfortable and can act as a cheap method of advertising too. You could even let your employees get creative with the designs if you want and let them express themselves!