Using cash is inconvenient and risky. Especially nowadays, you can have a convenient card for offline purchases, which provides hundred-percent security of transactions and significantly expands your opportunities.
What’s the upside
If you have a WestStein prepaid card, you can determine in advance how much you’re willing to spend. This is very convenient both when buying goods and ordering services online as well as when paying offline.
After all, you can now pay for purchases contactless, no longer need to hand your physical card to cashiers or voice confidential information. There is no need to enter a PIN-code either, which can result in losing money if you run into fraudsters.
To apply for a shopping card, you will need to spend a maximum of a few minutes. There is no need to visit banking institutions and stand in a queue – all you have to do is to choose a convenient time and arrange everything remotely.
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You can use the same card for both physical stores and online shopping. Remote shopping is now even more secure, as you no longer need to enter sensitive data to pay for items.
Benefits for customers
You get a secure online account that you can use to make absolutely any purchase, no matter where you are geographically.
Registration is completely free and takes a few minutes. So you can open an account at any time. The free online account is also convenient because you can link several cards for your children, relatives and friends. In this case, the main account remains secure and additional cards are deposited individually.
Today a virtual card may well replace your physical card and even the need to use cash will disappear. You can already order a prepaid Mastercard now using your mobile phone.
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Purchase card, which you can apply for online in a few minutes, will allow you to monitor your expenses (all transactions are recorded in a personal cabinet), as well as rationally dispose of your funds. At the same time you do not risk to lose money, because the card is reliably protected from fraudsters as well as from any other unpleasant situations.
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Take a few minutes now to protect your finances and streamline your spending.